Saturday, September 12, 2009

What represents me?

An object that I think represents me well is my charm bracelet. My bracelet is made up of different charms that each represents an important stage in my life. Each charm symbolizes a choice I made or some characteristic about myself. Something that is very important to me is my name. Since my name is often confused with a “C” or a “CH” it is significant that there was a “K’ charm on my bracelet. Every person is given an identity when they begin their life which is why I thought it was appropriate to use this charm to start. After you are born the next feeling you get from your parents is love thus symbolizes my next charm, a heart. Throughout all your life “love” is present whether it’s your family, your significant other or you best friend, it is a feeling that can never be taken away. The day you are born is crucial when you are little but makes you miserable when you are older. However, the day and month you are born distinguishes your birthstone, astrological sign and your birthday which is my next charm.

The next stage is my childhood. As a child I always had a friend with me and this friend was my stuffed animal giraffe. Over the years though I lost my giraffe but the memory is carried on my arm. Memories are very important, they remind me of times that I had with my family and friends. My first memory charm is a snowman, when I was little it snowed all the time and my Dad would take my sisters and me into the snow to make a snowman. We did this every time it snowed in the winter. One Christmas I received a telescope and almost every night I would try to map out the stars. Because of this I was always very interested in astronomy and astrological signs, thus my next charm, a star.

As any other sixteen year old, all I wanted was my license and a car. The day I finally was given a car I was also given a charm of a car to mark the legendary day. Also like every teenager I had to get a job. It felt good to make my own money because I learned ways to budget and act responsible. It may seem odd that I have a charm for this lesson. Another major turning point in my life is when I graduated high school! This charm is very important; it symbolizes growing up and starting to do things for myself. It also symbolizes my transition from high school to college. Now my very last charm is for the future. It is of an owl. Owls are very wise birds so my charm symbolizes making wise decisions which every person needs to do. My charm bracelet means a lot to me. It reminds me of so many memories and lessons that I use every day. It is everything that makes up me.

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