Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lies and Truths

A lie is an untruthful statement that can cause hurt feelings and is usually used to hide something. This is why lying is never good. There are so many side effects with lying such as hurt feelings, punishment and trust issues. However in spite of all of these effect many people lie. Many people believe there are two types of lies; a good type and a bad type. An example of a good type would be when someone lies to stop hurting someone’s feelings and an example of a bad type would be when someone is trying to hide something. In my opinion I don’t believe either type of lies is good to do. They both have positive and negative effects and in the end someone always gets hurt.

One lie I recently made was when I told my mother I was in one place when I was somewhere else. This is a common lie among teenagers. What had happened that night was I wanted to stay out all night so I told my mother I was staying at a friend’s house while my other friend said she was at my house. Now this was only the first lie of the night. As the night progressed I had told lies to many of my other friends who wanted to join. I told them that we decided not to stay out because we were afraid of getting in trouble. Little did I know I some them later that night. They had decided to stay out anyway. Well this started a huge fight that lasted for ten days. This is lie number two.

The next day I was really tired. I went home from my “friend’s house” and feel asleep. The reason I told my mother that we had stayed up all night talking, thus lie number three. I slept all day and for a couple days my mother didn’t find out anything. Until one day when my mom saw my text messages that I wrote to my friends. The whole night was summed up in these messages so she clearly knew what happened. Well as any parent would be she was very angry with me and I was grounded.

Over the next weeks my mother would say “the guilt lecture.” This is the worst lecture I have ever received, it was about how she would be worried about where I am and how there are weird people in the world. My favorite line is: it’s not you it’s them. My mother must have said this line a bunch of times during her speech.

In conclusion, lying is never a good idea. It just causes more problems and someone will always find a way to seeing the truth. A famous quote by Sir Walter Scott: Oh what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive. This quote means as soon as one lie is made, many more lies have to be made to cover that one. This process will keep going until there is such a big web of lives that only the truth will let you get though. As you can tell from my example, I made one lie which ended up causing me to say three lies until I just had to tell my mother and friends what had happened.

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