Friday, November 13, 2009

Adoption issues

There are many issues with adoption. Many people believe that kids who are adopted have more problems than kids who aren’t. These problems consists of fighting, not knowing their true identity, loss and confusion. There are many other aspects that are hard to swallow such as being a surprise pregnancy but also being a planned child as well. As an adopted child I never had any of these problems. I know who I am, who I want to be and where I’m going. I also was never confused about who my parents were. However, I have many other relatives that are also adopted such as my sisters and two of my cousins.

I know that we all have different reactions to being adopted, in fact at least one of my relatives have one of the problems I listed. For example my cousin has been on a mission for years to finding her biological parents. This is a huge issue with adoption; many adopted kids are confused about their identity. Identity completely changes. There is confusion on who their real parents are and who they, themselves are. Many things change during the adoption process such as the names of the children, the language and life in general. It’s hard to think that I could have been a different person if I my parent’s never adopted me but I know who my parents are and have never been confused about that. Another major issue with this is many people believe that adoptive parents should only be allowed to adopt from the country that is the same race that they are. I do not agree with this. I grew up in a family with two other Korean sisters, an Italian mother and a Scottish father. I don’t have an Asian last name, speak Korean and I know more about the Italian culture then the Korean culture. I am questioned constantly about why my last name is Asian? I have to repeat my story many times. I think that adoptive parents should be allowed to adopt children from anywhere as long as they meet all the requirements, it is wrong for someone to say no to this.

Another issue that is related with this is that many people think that the child or children will get teased because they don’t have the same race as their parents, however I can honestly say I have never been teased about this. It is really not as important as people think and I don’t ever feel self conscious about showing who my family is. I have had knowledge about the adoption process for as long as I can remember and am pretty open about it. I don’t think it is anything to be ashamed about or to hide.
Another major issue with adoption is loss, anger and fighting. Everyone I know that is adopted wants to find their biological parents. However this is not possible a lot of times because closed adoptions do not release any information about the biological mother or father. I always wondered whether I looked more like my mom or dad but I am not going to search for them. I love my parents and I don’t need to find out who my biological mother is. Another problem is when the adopted child is angry at their biological parents for giving them up, but what many children don’t understand is at the time they had no other choice. It is hard giving up a child and there must have been a really good reason to do it. Lastly many children fight when they are young. This is because adopted children are placed in foster homes while the process is finalized. Here there are many other children so fighting may occur. It is a habit that will eventually stop.

In conclusion, there are many issues that are related with adoption but this doesn’t make it bad to do. I think it is a good process and yes there are issues but everyone has them. From my own experiences I never had any of these issues and I think this is because my parents gave me so much information about the adoption process. I was constantly taught and told which is why I am so comfortable. The more information that people know the more comfortable they will be.

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